GOP Leaders

GOP Leaders Plan To Give Michigan Taxpayers An $8.2+ Billion Stealth Tax Increase

Congressional GOP Leaders Want To Slap Michigan Taxpayers With An $8.2+ Billion Stealth Tax Increase GOP leaders in Washington want Michigan taxpayers to shell out billions of dollars in stealth tax increases starting in October.  President Trump’s inaugural budget calls for the abolishing of billions of dollars in tax deductions for state and local taxes. Trump’s […]

MFI-Miami In Talks With Black Panthers To Help Battle Illegal Eviction By Taxpayer Owned Fannie Mae

Eviction Battle Over Inner-City Teacher Could Get Dicey For Bailed Out GSE If Black Panthers Get Involved Detroit, MI –On January 16, 2013, Steve Dibert, President of MFI-Miami, an internationally recognized leader in investigating mortgage fraud, announced that MFI-Miami is in talks with the Detroit Chapter of the New Black Panther Nation/New Marcus Garvey Movement […]

MI GOPers Ram Thru NRA Friendly Kid Killing Gun Law Like One CT Gunman Took Advantage Of

Michigan GOP Official Claims NRA Friendly Kid Killing Gun Law Is A Good Thing The tragic massacre of 20 elementary school children and 8 adults in Connecticut today by gunman Adam Lanza coincidentally comes days after the Republican-led Michigan Legislature passed a bill that would make it legal to carry a concealed weapon into a schools […]

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