Total Student Loan Debt Could Buy Every House on Market Twice Over

Total Student Loan Debt Of $1.5 Trillion Is So High It Could Buy Every House on The U.S. Market Twice Over Total student loan debt in the United States has reached $1.5 trillion. It’s now at a new all-time high according to a new study by  That has realtors and housing experts concerned. Real […]

Select Portfolio Servicing Warning

Select Portfolio Servicing Warning! Can SPS Validate Your Mortgage Debt?

Select Portfolio Servicing Warning! Can Select Portfolio Validate Your Mortgage Debt? Probably Not! Steve Dibert, CEO of internationally-renowned mortgage fraud investigation firm MFI-Miami, announced today that MFI-Miami has discovered serious flaws in the way Credit Suisse subsidiary Select Portfolio Servicing validates debt owed by homeowners. As a result, MFI-Miami has issued a Select Portfolio Servicing […]

America’s Wholesale Lender Fraud Hotline 888.737.6344

America’s Wholesale Lender Fraud Hotline Helps You Fight Back Against Countrywide Financial’s Biggest Scam MFI-Miami has created an America’s Wholesale Lender Fraud Hotline to help victims of Countrywide Financial’s biggest scams. Call 888.737.6344 to learn more. There is a good possibility your Countrywide mortgage and note you received through a mortgage broker during the housing […]

nassau county foreclosures

Stop Nassau County Foreclosures Call 917.426.5958

Stop Nassau County Foreclosures With An Aggressive Nassau County Foreclosure Defense MFI-Miami has created the most aggressive Nassau County foreclosure defense team to stop Nassau County Foreclosures! We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge any Wall Street lender in Nassau County or New York courtroom. Our competitors show […]

Bold Queens Foreclosure Defense

Bold Queens Foreclosure Defense! Call 917.426.5958

Bold Queens Foreclosure Defense That Brings Aggressive Queens Foreclosure Defense To A New Level MFI-Miami has created a bold Queens foreclosure defense team Queens county has ever seen! We have the only bold Queens foreclosure defense that works! We also have the boldest mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge any Wall Street lender […]

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