Queens Foreclosure Settlement Conferences

Queens Foreclosure Settlement Conferences

Queens Foreclosure Settlement Conferences Can Save Your Home New York law requires mediation to assist borrowers to avoid foreclosure. Queens Foreclosure Settlement Conferences allow borrowers a face-to-face meeting with their lender. Homeowners can also benefit even if they can’t afford to keep their homes. What Are Queens Foreclosure Settlement Conferences? Typical Queens foreclosure settlement conferences […]

Queens Foreclosure Defenses

Best Queens Foreclosure Defenses

Best Queens Foreclosure Defenses: New York’s Produce the Note Law Foreclosure Laws In New York Allow For Stronger Queens Foreclosure Defenses  New York law allows for strong Queens foreclosure defenses. Furthermore, state law ensures that the foreclosing party has the correct documents in place. New York law requires that the foreclosing party “produce the note” […]

Bayview Loan Servicing

Bayview Loan Servicing Foreclosure Defense

Are You Armed With The Right Weapons To Take On Bayview Loan Servicing? MFI-Miami has created a foreclosure defense team exclusively for Bayview Loan Servicing. The team’s focus will solely be on helping homeowners develop strategies to fight them! We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge Bayview Loan […]

Wells Fargo Executives

The Cattiness Of Wells Fargo Executives Rivals The Ladies From Dynasty

Wells Fargo Executives Again Refuse To Release Documents To MFI-Miami Client Citing Negative Articles On MFI-Miami The finance world knows MFI-Miami’s principal job is to do whatever it takes to keep people in their homes. It’s not a big secret. Nor do I hide it. All the major lenders and servicing companies know it. They know […]

Citimortgage Foreclosure Defense

Citimortgage Foreclosure Defense

The Only Citimortgage Foreclosure Defense Team With A Track Record Of Body Slamming Citimortgage MFI-Miami has created a specialized Citimortgage Foreclosure Defense Team. The team’s focus will focus solely on developing strategies to give homeowners some serious Citimortgage foreclosure defense! We are also the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge […]

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