Nassau County Foreclosure Defense

Nassau County Foreclosure Defense

The Only Nassau County Foreclosure Defense Team That Has Beaten Wall Street MFI-Miami has created the most aggressive Nassau County foreclosure defense team New York has ever seen! We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge any Wall Street lender in Nassau County or New York courtroom. Our competitors […]

New York Homeowners

How New York Homeowners Are Scoring Free Houses

How New York Homeowners Are Scoring Free Houses During Foreclosure Using New York’s Statute Of Limitations Law New York homeowners are using a legal tactic to score a free house during foreclosure. MFI-Miami and our partner law firms used to use a similar tactic in Florida. That was until the Florida Supreme Court stepped in […]

Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket

Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket In First Quarter Of 2019

Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket In First Three Months of 2019 Queens Foreclosures Skyrocket! should be the headline of a recent report by Property Shark. Property Shark found that Queens is seeing a spike in foreclosures. Southeast Queens neighborhoods seem to be the hardest hit. PropertyShark recently released their Residential Foreclosure Report for Q1 2019. New York City […]

credit bureaus

Credit Bureaus Can Report Your Foreclosure Even If You Beat The Bank

Illinois Federal Judge Rules Credit Bureaus Can Report Your Mortgage Delinquencies Even If You Beat The Foreclosure A federal judge in Illinois has ruled that a lender report your mortgage default to the credit bureaus. The court stated a dismissal with prejudice is a non-issue when reporting the default because the loan was still in […]

Florida Law Firm

Florida Law Firm Accused Of Targeting Hispanics In Loan Mod Scam

Feds Allege Florida Law Firm, Advocate Law Groups of Florida Targeted Hispanics In Loan Modification Scam United States Attorney’s Office in Orlando has filed a lawsuit alleging that a Florida law firm has violated the federal Fair Housing Act. The USAO alleges the firm intentionally discriminated against Hispanic homeowners. The firm allegedly suckered non-English speaking […]

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