Successfully Fighting Foreclosures

Successfully Fighting Foreclosures: How To Do It Right!

Successfully Fighting Foreclosures Requires The Strategies Most Foreclosure Defense Attorneys Get Wrong Or Don’t Even Bother Pursuing Homeowners are successfully fighting foreclosures in record numbers since the housing collapse in 2008. Why? Homeowners are realizing they can successfully fight foreclosure actions brought on by unscrupulous mortgage servicers. Or in a worse case, fight the lender […]

FDCPA Claims

Invoking FDCPA Claims In Non-Judicial Foreclosures Could End!

The U.S. Supreme Court To Decide If Homeowners Can Bring FDCPA Claims In Non-Judicial Foreclosures One of the key tools for stopping a non-judicial foreclosure is in jeopardy. The United States Supreme Court has agreed to hear an argument that could bar homeowners from using FDCPA claims to stop a non-judicial foreclosure.   Now thousands of […]

David Trott

David Trott Introduces Bill That Would Indemnify His Former Firm

David Trott Introduces Bill That Would Indemnify His Former Firm from Liabilities Under The Dodd-Frank Act And The FDCPA Congressman David Trott has introduced a bill (HR 1849) that would allow law firms to sidestep federal laws barring abusive debt-collection practices. The bill would allow firms like Trott Law to continue to make false threats […]

MFI-Miami Clients

FDCPA Has More Power Thanks To The 11th U.S. COA

11th US COA Says Foreclosure Mills Can Face Damage Awards From Homeowners Under FDCPA If Caught Lying Or Filing False Documents   Late last month, the 11th U.S. Court of Appeals gave the FDCPA more power to consumers to hold debt collection law firms and foreclosure mills liable if they get caught misleading or lying […]

Chris Christie

Tactics Of Sleazy Bill Collectors

Sleazy Bill Collectors Are Stalking You On Social Media And Will Relentlessly Hound Your Relatives After You Die   About two years ago,  I wrote an article about how sleazy bill collectors are now using social media sites like Facebook to get you pay your debts and how they are using some pretty innovative ways to […]

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