David Trott

It’s Official: Financial Terrorist David Trott Is Running For Congress

David Trott Attempted To Steal A Home From An American Hero And Treat A 101-Year Old Widow Like Trash Michigan Foreclosure King and Financial Terrorist David Trott who is also a major donor to the GOP has announced today he is running for the congress.  He intends to give current Tea Party Congressman Kerry Bentivolio a […]

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Make A Michigan Senator Your Boy Toy For $16,000

Booher And Richardville Play Boy Toy To Lobbyists By Introducing Bill To Gut Homeowners’ Rights After Pocketing A Combined $137,000 Michigan Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and Freshman Senator Darwin Booher played boy toy to banking lobbyists. The two senators introduced Senate Bill 383 on Wednesday. The bill would reduce Michigan’s post-foreclosure redemption period from […]

Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Upholds MERS Tax Dodging Scheme In Michigan

Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Upholds MERS Tax Dodging Scheme In Michigan On Friday, Judge Robert Holmes Bell dismissed Ingham County Register of Deeds Curtis Hertel’s lawsuit seeking unpaid Michigan Real Estate Transfer Taxes on property being transferred in and out of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac with the use of the MERS database system. Holmes ruled […]

Bill Schuette

Bill Schuette Needs To Bust Contributors Over Fraud Issues

The Day Of Reckoning Is Here For Bill Schuette Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami “Man looks in the abyss, there’s nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.” -Lou Mannheim For nearly two and half years, I have been writing about how two […]

MFI-Miami Rips DOJ’s Fraud Claims Against Diane Hathaway

It’s Highly Unlikely Diane Hathaway Defrauded ING Direct Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami To paraphrase the late George Burns, politics like show business can be a hideous bitch goddess and places like the Michigan Supreme Court that were once considered a refuge from the visceral blood sport of politics are no longer immune.   Even with Michigan’s constitutionally […]

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