CFPB Wants

The CFPB Wants To Postpone Foreclosures Until 2022

The CFPB Wants To Postpone Foreclosures Until 2022. Can They? Mortgage Servicers Pledge To Fight Proposed Rule! The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau aka CFPB wants to postpone residential foreclosures until 2022. The agency released a proposed rule last week that would bar servicers from starting on foreclosures until 2022. The CFPB also proposed streamlined processes […]

Mr. Cooper COVID19

Mr. Cooper Mortgage COVID19 Foreclosure Defense Call 888.737.6344

Call The Mr. Cooper Mortgage COVID19 Foreclosure Defense Hotline At 888.737.6344 MFI-Miami has created a Mr. Cooper COVID19 Mortgage COVID19 Foreclosure Defense Hotline to put you in touch with our Mr.Cooper Mortgage foreclosure defense team. The team’s focus is solely on helping homeowners develop strategies to fight Mr. Cooper!  We are also the only foreclosure […]

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