Homeowner Activists Occupy The Office Of Real Estate Mogul Turned GOP Pimp Daddy

MI GOP Chairman Bobby Schostak’s GOP Office Thrown Into Chaos By Homeowner Activists Homeowner activists and union activists have finally become organized. They organized a group of about 200 protesters to converge at the office GOP Chairman Bobby Schostak. The homeowner activists led by Michigan United wanted to raise awareness about foreclosure issues facing Michigan homeowners. […]

Michigan Homeowners Face Stealth Tax Increase Thanks To A DINO And The GOP

Majority Of Michigan Homeowners Will Face Stealth Tax Increase With Lose Their Homestead Tax Credits In 2013 Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Back in the Spring of 2011, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder with help from his Republican friends in the state legislature and former DINO (Democrat-In-Name-Only) Michigan House Speaker turned State Treasurer, Andy Dillon, overhauled the way the […]

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