New York Bankruptcy

A New York Bankruptcy Does NOT Stop A Foreclosure!

A New York Bankruptcy Does NOT Stop A New York Foreclosure! You could find yourself hiring a foreclosure attorney after wasting thousands of dollars on a New York bankruptcy lawyer. You could also find yourself with both a foreclosure and a bankruptcy on your credit report. Most New York bankruptcy lawyers also won’t explain to […]

Are Manhattan Bankruptcy Lawyers Misleading You About Foreclosures?

Are Manhattan Bankruptcy Lawyers Misleading You About Foreclosures? Bankruptcy Does NOT Stop A Foreclosure! Let’s be honest. Manhattan Bankruptcy Lawyers are business owners. They want your money. They will sing and dance the Jitterbug on their desk to convince you to give them your hard-earned cash. Matter of fact, there is little they won’t do […]

Washington Mutual Mortgage Application

Did Former Mortgage Broker Commit Bankruptcy Fraud?

Feds Claim Gregory and Maria Makozy Committed Bankruptcy Fraud By Hiding Over A Million Dollars Worth Of Assets A former Pennsylvania Mortgage broker and his wife now living in Florida have been accused by federal prosecutors in Pennsylvania of bankruptcy fraud involving some $1 million in hidden assets and a separate embezzlement case. Gregory Makozy, […]

Miami Ghetto loans

U.S. Supreme Court Rules No More Second Lien Stripping In BK

Justices Side With Bank Of America’s Fantasy That Second Lien Stripping Is Unnecessary Because Property Values Will Rebound To Antediluvian Levels The U.S. Supreme Court dealt a killer blow to homeowners in bankruptcy Monday by ruling that homeowners who declare bankruptcy can’t void a second mortgage through Second Lien Stripping even if the home is underwater and is worth […]

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