real estate vultures

Real Estate Vultures Circle New York Homeowners In Foreclosure

NYS Courts Are Fast-Tracking Foreclosures As Real Estate Vultures Stalk New York Homeowners  Real estate vultures are watching you on the internet. They are waiting for the perfect moment to strike so they start pecking at your financial carcass. In addition, you may not even know they stole your house out from under you until […]

harlem homeowner

Harlem Homeowner Sees Mortgage Balloon From $100,000 To $7 Million

Elderly Harlem Homeowner Giselle Allard’s Mortgage Balloons From $100,000 To $7 Million  An elderly Harlem homeowner who owns four Harlem brownstones may end up homeless. All because of the massive debt on one of the properties that ballooned beyond control. What began as a $100,000 mortgage 20 years ago on a dirt-cheap piece of property […]

new york zombie foreclosures

New York Zombie Foreclosures! Fannie Mae Is Coming To Get You!

Fannie Mae Is Conjuring New York Zombie Foreclosures! New York zombie foreclosures are rising from their long-forgotten graves. Surprisingly, it’s not servicers or New York lawyers leading the conjuring of these long-dead foreclosures. It’s taxpayer bailed out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac doing it. New York homeowners discovered they are now facing ramifications for defaulting […]

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