Robo-Signing Attorney Marshall Isaacs Told Not To Answer Questions During Deposition

Robo-Signing AttorneyOn May 13, 2011, a deposition was held in a Michigan foreclosure case.  This case looks like the dozens of other cases that have popped up in Michigan since the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled MERS does not have the authority to foreclose.  However, unlike those other cases that will more than likely go down in flames, this one contains one thing the others don’t.  It contains an interesting deposition of Robo-Signing Attorney Marshall Isaacs.

If Ziyad Kased, the attorney representing the Plaintiffs,  loses this case, this deposition could be useful in slamming the door shut on every foreclosure conducted by Orlans Associates involving mortgage assignments signed by Marshall Isaacs from MERS to BAC Home Loan Servicing, LP.   Isaacs’ attorney, Timothy Myers and BAC”s attorney Michelle Thomas advises him not to answer about 75% of the questions.  If you are a regular reader of this site, you’ll notice that this is indeed the same Timothy Myers that misled the court on the Lynne Lucas case and has a complaint on file with the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission.

An argument could be made that because Timothy Myers and Michelle Thomas advised Isaacs not to answer certain questions that pertain to mortgage assignments, Isaacs would be unwilling to do so on other cases.

There are some interesting moments in this deposition.  On page 20, Attorney Kased asks Marshall Isaacs, who is allegedly a VP at MERS, if he knows who J.K. Arnold is.  Isaacs apparently surprised by the question, claims he had never heard of Arnold until the question was asked and on page 25, he has no idea what the MERS Identification Number means.  So this means either Marshall Isaacs is really good at playing dumb or he’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket.   Remember, this is a guy who went crying to the police thinking mortgages were not public record.

Issac-Adisho v.Orlans Part 1

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