David Trott Attempted To Steal A Home From An American Hero And Treat A 101-Year Old Widow Like Trash
Michigan Foreclosure King and Financial Terrorist David Trott who is also a major donor to the GOP has announced today he is running for the congress. He intends to give current Tea Party Congressman Kerry Bentivolio a primary challenge next August.
Trott who made his money by turning his foreclosure mill law practice he inherited from his father into a one-stop monopoly on everything regarding to foreclosures for banks. Trott’s vast foreclosure empire includes, the Detroit Legal News and it’s sister publications throughout Michigan that advertise 80% of the foreclosures in Michigan, Greco Title and Seaver Title which he merged with Lawyers Title several years ago and the Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel Real Estate offices through out southeast Michigan.
Trott like his most other foreclosure mills has his share of robo-signers who have forged documents that have been filed with Register of Deeds offices through out the state of Michigan. Trott’s firm, Trott & Trott has attorneys like Ellen Coon, Marcy Ford, andKenneth Kurel. All of whom are also willing participants in the financial terrorism that have contributed to the destruction of Michigan’s housing market.
Trott’s firm is also infamous for denying people their right under Michigan law (MCL 3205a) to have a conference with their mortgage servicers that Trott represents. MFi-Miami clients have had their foreclosure cases tossed by Michigan courts because lawyers at Trott’s firm have either not shown up for these conference calls or the Trott attorney has simply left the people on hold for nearly 45 minutes to an hour.
Trott & Trott also employs a system of “Dual Tracking” in order to foreclose on a homeowner. Dual Tracking is where the foreclosure mill or mortgage servicer will convince the homeowner that they are working to keep them in their home while moving ahead with foreclosure proceedings.
Trott ran into some serious trouble last year when his firm was fired by JPMorgan Chase on a dual tracking case involving Jeff Reed, a retired Green Beret and his autistic son from Northern Michigan. Trott refused to honor a loan modification his firm negotiated on behalf of JPMorgan Chase and then began foreclosure proceeding against Jeff Reed.
Thanks to MFI-Miami, JPMorgan Chase fired Trott from the case when JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s office began getting calls from international media about Trott’s rogue attempt to foreclose on an American hero.
Trott also stirred up international outrage two years ago when his firm callously and unmercifully evicted wheel chair bound 101-year old Texana Hollis from her home in the rain and left her on the curb with her possessions. Hollis was only able to move back into her home after novelist and sports writer Mitch Albom’s charity, S.A.Y. Detroit purchased the house from HUD and rehabilitated it to accommodate Mrs. Hollis’ wheel chair.
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