Stephen Dibert

The Real Deal Profiles MFI-Miami CEO Stephen Dibert

MFI-Miami CEO Stephen Dibert Was Profiled In The Real Estate Publication The Real Deal MFI-Miami CEO Stephen Dibert was profiled in the real estate publication, Real Deal. The Real Deal is one of the most prominent real estate websites along the east coast of the United States. Cleaning up the mortgage mess By Sally Apgar | October 05, 2009  South Florida […]

NY Real Estate

MFI-Miami was mentioned in a major NY Real Estate Website

MFI-Miami was mentioned in a major NY Real Estate Website The Real Deal On Tuesday afternoon and yesterday morning, I began getting calls from Long Island and the 5 boroughs that make up New York City. People kept telling me that they saw MFI-Miami on an NY Real Estate website. This isn’t uncommon but usually, […]

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