Australian-Owned Specialized Loan Servicing

Australian-Owned Specialized Loan Servicing Says, “Eff You, USA!”

Australian-Owned Specialized Loan Servicing Defies Trump COVID-19 Foreclosure Moratorium. SLS Wants Your House!  It appears Australia is sending a big “FUCK YOU, AMERICA! WE’RE TAKING YOUR HOMES!” to American homeowners. Although, both countries seem to be in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Australian-owned Specialized Loan Servicing also has no problem issuing demands to Americans […]


Specialized Loan Servicing Warning! Can SLS Validate Your Debt?

Specialized Loan Servicing Warning! Can Specialized Loan Servicing Validate Your Mortgage Debt? Probably Not! Steve Dibert, CEO of internationally-renowned mortgage fraud investigation firm MFI-Miami, announced today that MFI-Miami has discovered serious flaws in the way Specialized Loan Servicing validates debt owed by homeowners. Specialized Loan Servicing is owned by Computershare out of Australia. As a […]

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