FTC Shuts Down Websites Preying On Section 8 Renters

FTC Shuts Down Websites Claiming To Have “Exclusive” Access To Section 8 Rental Listings The Federal Trade Commission shut down a series of real estate websites in California that targeted Section 8 voucher recipients. The FTC claims the sites falsely promised “exclusive” access to rental listings in exchange for a monthly or weekly subscription fee. Steven and […]

Boca Ratonians

Snooty Boca Ratonians Are Banning “Certain People” From Their Communities

Paranoid Boca Ratonians Have Begun Banning Property Owners From Renting To Section 8 Recipients Earlier this year, the Snooty Boca Ratonians at the Boca Winds HOA as they are commonly referred to in Florida, outlawed Section 8 housing in its community of 800 homes. Members of the Boca Falls HOA are currently voting on the issue […]

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