Judge Rules Non-Judicial Fannie Mae Foreclosures Are Unconstitutional

Federal Judge In Rhode Island Rules Non-Judicial Fannie Mae Foreclosures Violate US Constitution MFI-Miami lawyers and lawyers in non-judicial foreclosure states have been arguing that non-judicial Fannie Mae foreclosures are unconstitutional. Up until this past August, we have had limited success. One of the roadblocks has been the question of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s current […]

FDCPA Claims

Invoking FDCPA Claims In Non-Judicial Foreclosures Could End!

The U.S. Supreme Court To Decide If Homeowners Can Bring FDCPA Claims In Non-Judicial Foreclosures One of the key tools for stopping a non-judicial foreclosure is in jeopardy. The United States Supreme Court has agreed to hear an argument that could bar homeowners from using FDCPA claims to stop a non-judicial foreclosure.   Now thousands of […]

Florida Bankers

Florida Bankers Want To Eliminate Homeowners Right to a Judicial Foreclosure

Florida Bankers Want To Eliminate Homeowners Right to a Judicial Foreclosure To Speed Up Foreclosures In an attempt to circumvent a recent Florida Supreme Court order that requires banks to mediate a foreclosure dispute, Florida Bankers are attempting to ram through the Florida Legislature a bill that will convert Florida from a judicial foreclosure state […]

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