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Make A Michigan Senator Your Boy Toy For $16,000

Booher And Richardville Play Boy Toy To Lobbyists By Introducing Bill To Gut Homeowners’ Rights After Pocketing A Combined $137,000 Michigan Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville and Freshman Senator Darwin Booher played boy toy to banking lobbyists. The two senators introduced Senate Bill 383 on Wednesday. The bill would reduce Michigan’s post-foreclosure redemption period from […]

Ed DeMarco

Ed DeMarco Cowered In His Bathroom Instead Of Telling Protesters, “Get Off My Lawn!”

It Appears Ed DeMarco Is No Clint Eastwood On Sunday, a group of 500 protesters from the National People’s Action converged in front of the home of Ed DeMarco, the Acting Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. FHFA is the government agency established to oversee mortgage behemoths Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac after they […]

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