Michigan Judge Michael Haley

Imbecile Michigan Judge Michael Haley Finally Quits

Michigan Judge Michael Haley Finally Throws In The Towel After Growing Tired Of People Questioning His Competence And Ethics Northern Michigan’s favorite wannabe Lionel Hutz turned corrupt judge is retiring. Yes, Michigan Judge Michael Haley is finally retiring. Haley is stepping down due to lawyers and litigants questioning his competence and ethics as a judge. He […]

Kwame Kilpatrick

A Detroit Official Hasn’t Lived This Large Since Kwame Kilpatrick

Michigan Governor’s Secret Slush Fund Is Paying For Detroit EFM’s Kwame Kilpatrick Lifestyle The Detroit News ran a great piece by Chad Livengood that states Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s secretive non-profit NERD Fund has been picking up the $800 a night tab for Detroit Emergency Financial Manager Kevyn Orr to live the Kwame Kilpatrick lifestyle at the […]

Mayor Dave Bing

Meet Detroit’s Newest Deadbeat: Mayor Dave Bing

Mayor Dave Bing Defaults On City Loan And Leaves Major Eyesore For City To Clean Up In 2007, the automotive supply business owned by Detroit Mayor Dave Bing began to implode. Dave Bing had a great idea to save himself from financial ruin.  He was going to get a group of investors together and build […]

Detroit Firefighters

While Detroit Firefighters Battle An Arson Epidemic In A City Of Ruins…

Detroit Firefighters Forced To Fight Fires Antiquated Equipment While The City Spends $45 Million On Sidewalks Ramps To Nowhere The skyline of Detroit is silhouetted at night from the arson fires that plague the city. Brave Detroit firefighters battle fires around the clock with inadequate trucks and unsafe ladders. Detroit firefighters fight fires with holes in […]

judger michael haley

Is Judge Michael Haley A Kwame Kilpatrick Wannabe?

Judge Haley Is A White Kwame Kilpatrick. He’s An Example Of Corruption & Incompetency In Michigan 86th District Court Judge Michael Haley has a past that would make a sane person scratch their head and wonder how anyone in the jurisdiction of the 86th District Court would ever vote for someone this corrupt and incompetent. […]

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