judger michael haley

Is Judge Michael Haley A Kwame Kilpatrick Wannabe?

Judge Haley Is A White Kwame Kilpatrick. He’s An Example Of Corruption & Incompetency In Michigan 86th District Court Judge Michael Haley has a past that would make a sane person scratch their head and wonder how anyone in the jurisdiction of the 86th District Court would ever vote for someone this corrupt and incompetent. […]

Foreclosure Madness

Has Foreclosure Madness Turned Into Reefer Madness In Flori-duh?

Has Foreclosure Madness Has Gotten So Crazy It’s Like Everyone IS Hopped Up On Drugs Foreclosure madness has hit a fever pitch. I wrote a blog about how most homeowner advocacy sites are nothing more than marketing tools for law firms or are illegally soliciting money claiming to be non-profits. People went wild. Richard Zombeck […]

Foreclosure advocacy

Just Because A Website Claims To Be A Foreclosure Advocacy Site

Just Because A Website Claims To Be A Foreclosure Advocacy Site Does Not Mean It’s Looking Out For You I often get asked what I think about the foreclosure advocacy that has sprung up in recent years. I have to constantly warn people to be careful because although most of them have a “.org” domain, […]

MFI-Miami Client

MFI-Miami Client From Northern Michigan Sues Bank of America and Its Attorneys

MFI-Miami Client Lynne Lucas From Northern Michigan Sues Bank of America and Orlans Associates Several months back I wrote an article about Lynne Lucas, an MFI-Miami client who had been put through a living nightmare by Bank of America when she attempted to negotiate a loan modification.  Last week, Ms. Lucas’s attorney, William Maxwell filed […]

MFI-Mod Squad

MFI-Mod Squad Launched to Bust Loan Modification Scams

MFI-Mod Squad Launched to Bust Foreclosure Rescue and Loan Modification Scams ICYMI National Mortgage News profiled MFI-Mod Squad. MFI-Mod Squad is a new project started by MFI-Miami. The project is designed to expose shady foreclosure rescue and loan modification scams. By James Comtois, National Mortgage News February 4, 2009 Steve Dibert, the founder of MFI-Miami […]

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