mortgage lenders

Mortgage Lenders Cause Another Homeowner Death

Mortgage Lenders Cause Frank Collelo To Die In A Tampa Courtroom Fighting His Foreclosure Mortgage lenders committing another potentially illegal foreclosure have claimed another life. Frank Collelo died yesterday. The 67-year-old Valrico man died after collapsing in a Hillsborough courtroom during a foreclosure hearing. The pending foreclosure on his primary residence went into foreclosure last […]

David J. Stern

Osceola County Foreclosure Reviews Could Lead To Criminal Charges

Will Osceola County Foreclosure Reviews Lead To A Crackdown Or Be Brushed Under the Rug? At the beginning of the year, Osceola County Clerk of the Courts in suburban Orlando began doing foreclosure reviews of mortgage and foreclosure filings. The review was looking for fraudulent paperwork filed by lenders and foreclosure mills.  Apparently, Clerk Armando […]

mortgage document fraud

Florida County To Investigate Mortgage Document Fraud

1st Step In Crackdown Against Foreclosure Mills Committing Mortgage Document Fraud Osceola County Clerk of the Courts in suburban Orlando has begun looking into mortgage document fraud. They are reviewing mortgage and foreclosure filings looking for Mortgage Document Fraud filed by lenders and foreclosure mills.  The Clerk has no legal authority to sue the individuals or entities involved […]

Foreclosures To Increase With QE Ending And GOP Majority In The US Senate

In case you missed it last week, the Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee has ended bond purchases, finishing its third round of quantitative easing and this could adversely affect the “recovering” housing market next year. With less money being pumped into the system, the less likely banks and lenders will be to offer loan […]

Florida Barbie Is A Puppet Of Deep Pocketed Lobbyists? Say Ain’t So!

With Less Than A week Before Her Re-Election, Florida Media Finally Makes A Big Deal About Florida Barbie Being A Puppet To Special Interest Groups With less than a week to go before the November election, the Miami Herald, one of the last major newspapers in Florida, is finally running a piece about Florida Attorney […]

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