Andy Meisner IS The Smartest Guy In Oakland County Government

Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Back in September, when I began formulating a plan to help Kelly Parker save her house in Detroit, the first thought I had was, “If only Kelly lived in Oakland County this fight would be a hell of a lot easier.”   Matter of fact, if she did, it would had never […]

Why Is Jamie Dimon Doing The Hustle With The Countrywide “Hustler”?

Countrywide Hustler Rebecca Mairone Was Hired By JPMorgan Chase In March Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Last week when word broke out about the U.S. Government suing Bank of America under the False Claims Act for a $1 Billion, two important issues were overlooked by the media that could  very well affect the legitimacy of this case and […]

Freddie Mac

Foreclosed Fannie Mae Homes Breeding Grounds For Meth Labs?

Foreclosed Fannie Mae Homes Are Breeding Grounds For Meth Labs? Not Disclosing Previous Activity Could Violate State Laws A couple of days ago, CBS News ran a story about how a young couple in Oregon bought an abandoned Freddie Mac property only to discover within days of moving in and everyone becoming extremely ill that […]

David Trott

Did Romney Finance Chair Advise Clients To Steal Money From School Children?

Evidence Suggests Romney Finance Chair Conspired With Another GOP Donor To Help Clients Commit Tax Fraud Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami In 2010, while doing research for my client, Lynne Lucas, her attorney and I discovered many problems with the way Orlans Associates, operated by Linda Orlans,  a major GOP donor and former Chair of the Michigan Chapter […]

Linda Orlans

MFI-Miami Client Spanks Linda Orlans

Linda Orlans Screws Up. Will Fannie Mae Have To Pay A Homeowner For Her Screw Up? Linda Orlans and Fannie Mae may be forced to pay a homeowner’s attorney fees. Judge Paul Stutesman in Michigan ruled that Fannie Mae lacked the legal standing to evict Robin Roberts from her home . Orlans Associates failed to disclose […]

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