No More Loan Modifications

No More Loan Modifications Under New Trump Administration

Delinquent Homeowners Afraid Of Being Homeless As Trump Announces, “No More Loan Modifications After January 20th!” President-Elect Trump is planning some major changes to the lending industry when takes office on January 20, 2025. He has publicly told delinquent homeowners point blank, “No more loan modifications! If people can’t pay, we’ll take it away. period!”  […]


FHFA Is Prepping For Massive Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac IPO

FHFA Is Preparing And Interviewing Wall Street Investment Banks To Handle What Will Be The Largest IPO In History The FHFA is preparing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for a record-setting IPO. The FHFA is interviewing Wall Street firms to handle a public offering of the shares of the nation’s two largest mortgage financiers that would […]

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