Federal Foreclosure Moratorium

Federal Foreclosure Moratorium Extended For Final Time

Biden Extends Federal Foreclosure Moratorium For Final Time. No More Extensions After August 1st. The Biden administration has extended the federal foreclosure moratorium for another 30 days. The administration also stated that no further extensions would be give after August 1, 2021.  The White House said the moratorium extension includes loans underwritten by the USDA, […]

FHFA Foreclosure Moratoriums

FHFA Foreclosure Moratoriums Extended Until January 31st

FHFA Foreclosure Moratoriums Extended Until January 31st For All Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac Loans The Federal Housing Finance Agency announced today that FHFA foreclosure moratoriums initiated in April are being extended until Jan. 31. This marks the fourth time FHFA has extended the moratorium. It extends the latest extension deadline of December 31st. FHFA director […]

Trump Housing Crisis

Trump Housing Crisis: 40 Million Americans Face Being Homeless

Soviet Era Breadlines Coming To America As 40 Million Americans Face Homelessness Due To Trump Housing Crisis The Trump Housing Crisis has arrived. Just ask Timothy Young. Two days after the eviction moratorium in Maryland expired, Young and his family scrambled to move out of their duplex. They’d received their notice to vacate.  Young told […]

Trump Foreclosure Moratorium Does Not Apply To All Mortgages

The 60-Day Trump Foreclosure Moratorium Does Not Apply To All Mortgages. Non-GSE Loans And Non-FHA Loans Not Part Of The Moratorium The 60-Day Trump Foreclosure Moratorium that President Trump announced Wednesday applies to most but not all mortgages. President Trump announced HUD is suspending all foreclosures and evictions for 60 days. The HUD foreclosure and eviction […]

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