
MFI-Miami Gives 50% Discount To Orlans and Trott & Trott Employees

Ironically Orlans and Trott  Employees Are Being Foreclosed On By The Very People They Work For MFI-Miami is offering 50% off it’s foreclosure defense services to employees of Trott & Trott and Orlans Associates. MFI-Miami is extending this offer to all of David Trott’s companies. These include Trott & Trott, The Detroit Legal News, Lawyers Title, and Coldwell Banker Weir […]

MFI-Miami Offers 50% Discount For Trott & Trott and Orlans Associates Employees Facing Foreclosure

Ironically These Trott & Trott and Orlans Associates Employees Are Being Foreclosed On By The Very People They Work For On December 18, 2013, Steve Dibert, President of MFI-Miami, announced MFI-Miami will be offering it’s internationally recognized foreclosure defense services at a 50% discount to employees of Trott & Trott and Orlans Associates who are […]

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