MFI-Miami Profiled In The Michigan Messenger

MFI-Miami Featured In Article About Michigan Foreclosure Firm Implicated In Robo-Signing Todd Heywood, Michigan Messenger A Massachusetts county clerk says a forensic examination of documents filed by Troy-based Orlans Associates, one of the largest foreclosure firms in Michigan, shows that the company has engaged in illegal Robo-signing. Robo-signing is when a bank, mortgage company or foreclosure company […]

foreclosure fraud operation

Foreclosure Fraud Operation Uncovered At Detroit Law Firm With Ties To MI GOP

Foreclosure Fraud Operation Uncovered At Multi-state Foreclosure Mill Orlans Associates. Linda Orlans Has Strong Ties To The MI GOP Several months ago, the major banks sounded the all-clear signal regarding robo-signing in non-judicial foreclosure states, namely Michigan and Massachusetts.  It appears those claims of non-exist robo-signing were either greatly exaggerated or were overly optimistic. MFi-Miami […]

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