fake mortgage satisfaction

Creating Fake Mortgage Satisfaction Docs Gets Federal Employee Jail Time

Federal Employee David Tyrone Johnson Busted For Creating Fake Mortgage Satisfaction Documents Creating fake mortgage satisfaction documents will force David Tyrone Johnson to spend 18 months in federal prison. Johnson was also sentenced to two years of supervised release. Johnson pleaded guilty in April 2017 to charges of bank fraud and making false statements. He must […]

Back-Dated Deed

Clerk Indicted For Filing Back-Dated Deed For Cash

Former Clerk at Cook County Recorder of Deeds Indicted for Accepting Cash Bribe in Exchange for Preparing Fraudulent Back-Dated Deed Regina Taylor, former clerk for the Cook County Recorder of Deeds accepted a $200 cash bribe in exchange for preparing and agreeing to record a back-dated deed on an Oak Park home, according to a […]

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