Hey Congress, Governing Is Not Like An Episode Of Star Trek

You Are Not There To Play Star Trek’s Captain Kirk “Politics is Hollywood for ugly people” -Paul Begala Anyone who has ever watched the television show Star Trek more than few times knows the formula for a good Star Trek episode goes something like this, the crew of the Enterprises finds themselves in a predicament […]

Fannie Mae

MFI-Miami Accuses Fannie Mae Of Illegally Foreclosing On Michigan School Teacher

MFI-Miami Accuses Fannie Mae Of Lack of Standing Flint, MI – On August 28, 2012, MFI-Miami President Steve Dibert called on Fannie Mae to halt what he alleges is an illegal foreclosure and eviction of Flint Michigan School Teacher Amy Plumb. On January 2, 2003, Ms. Plumb, a single parent with two teenage daughters refinanced […]

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