brooklyn foreclosure defense

Brooklyn Foreclosure Defense In A Post Covid-19 World!

Fighting Foreclosures Has Gotten Tougher In A Post Covid-19 World. Do You Have The Winning Brooklyn Foreclosure Defense Team? Call 888.737.6344 The economy is uncertain. Inflation is out of control. Interest rates are rising. Brooklyn foreclosures are on the increase. Worst of all, foreclosures are getting tougher to fight. So, do you have the right […]

brooklyn foreclosure cases

Brooklyn Foreclosure Cases Ride The Rocket Docket

Brooklyn Foreclosure Cases Speed Up As Courts Implement Rocket Docket.  Brooklyn judges have implemented a rocket docket for Brooklyn foreclosure cases. It seems the end is near for Brooklyn homeowners hoping to take advantage of the borough’s notorious long foreclosure litigation time.  Other New York counties are taking Brooklyn’s lead in dealing with Brooklyn foreclosure cases. […]

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