mortgage servicers ignoring

Mortgage Servicers Ignoring FHFA Coronavirus Mortgage Relief Demands

Mortgage Servicers Ignoring Demands From FHFA That They Offer Homeowners Coronavirus Mortgage Relief Are Mortgage servicers ignoring demands from FHFA Director Mark Calabria? Believe it or not, they are and the FHFA is not happy. Calabria along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac leadership was forced to notify mortgage servicers of their obligations to their […]

wayne david collins rat

Will Bail Bondsman Wayne David Collins Rat You Out?

Will Bail Bondsman Wayne David Collins Rat You Out To Law Enforcement? Miami bail bondsman Wayne David Collins likes to boast about his cozy relationships with law enforcement types. But will Wayne David Collins rat you out to them? If it means getting himself out of trouble or putting money in his pocket, you better […]

one reverse mortgage halts

One Reverse Mortgage Halts All Loan Origination Operations

One Reverse Mortgage Halts All New Originations And Transfers 500 Employees  One Reverse Mortgage halts all new originations! Quicken Loans announced this week it was halting all originations at One Reverse Mortgage. The company is shifting all of the company’s employees over to Rocket Mortgage. One Reverse Mortgage is one of the biggest reverse mortgage […]

Socialist Bernie Sanders And His Pigsty DC House

Angry Neighbors Say DC Home Of Socialist Bernie Sanders Is A Pigsty And Bringing Down Property Values  Very few people knew deadbeat dad presidential candidate and self-proclaimed Socialist Bernie Sanders owned three houses.  That was until former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg pointed it out last week during the Nevada Democratic debate. Bloomberg said on nationwide […]


Communist Bernie Sanders Owns Three Houses. Not Bad For A “Socialist”

Communist Bernie Sanders Owns Three Houses With Two In Posh Neighborhoods. He Paid Cash For The Third. Communist Bernie Sanders is the present Democratic frontrunner for the 2020 Presidential election. However, capitalism and being an elected official seems to have paid off for the Vermont Senator.  He recently purchased a third home with his wife, […]

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