freedom mortgage spanked

Freedom Mortgage Spanked By CFPB

Freedom Mortgage Spanked By CFPB To The Tune Of $1.75 Million For Illegal Kickbacks To Realtors Last week, Freedom Mortgage was spanked by the CFPB to the tune of $1.75 million. The CFPB say Freedom Mortgage paid kickbacks to real estate brokers in exchange for mortgage loan referrals. The CFPB said Freedom provided real estate […]

beat my foreclosure

I Beat My Foreclosure. How Do I Get My Lender To Pay Up?

I Beat My Foreclosure In Florida. How Do I Get My Greedy SOB Lender To Pay My Legal Bill?  So now you have bragging rights. You are one of the few homeowners in Florida who can hold their head up high and proclaim, “I beat my foreclosure!”  So, now you’re feeling euphoric. Your head is […]

My Loan Modification Application Keeps Getting Rejected

Why Does My Lender Keep Rejecting My Loan Modification Application. What Am I Doing Wrong? Homeowners call us on a regular basis befuddled and confused. They claim their lender keeps rejecting their loan modification application. They believe they qualify for a loan modification. Yet, the lender keeps rejecting their loan modification application. In some cases, […]

Florida Foreclosure Defense Strategies

Florida Foreclosure Defense Strategies That Will Stop A Lender

Florida Foreclosure Defense Strategies That Will Prevent Your Lender From Taking Your Home The following Florida foreclosure defense strategies can act as a way to bar a lender from taking your home. However, there are other factors you need to keep in mind. Florida judge assigned to your foreclosure case could be a wild card. […]

New York Bankruptcy Lawyer

New York Bankruptcy Lawyer Linda Tirelli In Serious Trouble

New York Bankruptcy Lawyer Linda Tirelli Is Facing Hefty Sanctions From The US Bankruptcy Court And Possible 12+ Month License Suspension Narcissistic New York Bankruptcy Lawyer Linda Tirelli aka the self-proclaimed “bank slayer” is in serious hot water. The US Bankruptcy Court in New York. The Court has unsealed an order to show cause against […]

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