Australian-Owned Specialized Loan Servicing

Australian-Owned Specialized Loan Servicing Says, “Eff You, USA!”

Australian-Owned Specialized Loan Servicing Defies Trump COVID-19 Foreclosure Moratorium. SLS Wants Your House!  It appears Australia is sending a big “FUCK YOU, AMERICA! WE’RE TAKING YOUR HOMES!” to American homeowners. Although, both countries seem to be in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Australian-owned Specialized Loan Servicing also has no problem issuing demands to Americans […]

american banks

Four More American Banks Now Offer Mortgage Relief

Four More American Banks To Follow BofA’s Lead By Offering Relief To Homeowners Affected By The Coronavirus Four more American banks are offering to defer mortgage payments for 90 days due to the coronavirus crisis. The four banks include JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citibank, and US Bank. The four American banks follow Bank of America. […]

federal reserve

Federal Reserve Goes On A Mortgage Debt Shopping Spree

Federal Reserve Goes On A “Sex & The City” Style Shopping Spree For Mortgage Debt The Federal Reserve pledged on Monday to buy unlimited amounts of Treasuries and mortgage-backed bonds to stabilize the mortgage markets. The Fed hopes it will have the same effect as when it rescued the economy in 2008. The Federal Reserve set a […]

bank of america mortgage customers

Bank Of America Mortgage Customers To Receive Coronavirus Relief

Bank Of America Offers Coronavirus Relief To Bank of America Mortgage Customers Bank of America mortgage customers affected by the Coronavirus will be getting a break. The bank announced Thursday afternoon it was offering relief for consumers and small business clients impacted by the coronavirus. According to the bank, Bank of America mortgage and home […]

Trump Foreclosure Moratorium Does Not Apply To All Mortgages

The 60-Day Trump Foreclosure Moratorium Does Not Apply To All Mortgages. Non-GSE Loans And Non-FHA Loans Not Part Of The Moratorium The 60-Day Trump Foreclosure Moratorium that President Trump announced Wednesday applies to most but not all mortgages. President Trump announced HUD is suspending all foreclosures and evictions for 60 days. The HUD foreclosure and eviction […]

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