Wells Fargo 3rd Quarter

Wells Fargo 3rd Quarter Earnings Take A $2 Billion Hit

Legal Issues And falling Mortgage Originations Cause Wells Fargo 3rd Quarter Earnings Take A $2 Billion Hit Wells Fargo 3rd quarter earnings continued to take a hit from its legal problems. The slowing housing market also didn’t help. On Friday, the nation’s third-largest bank reported net income of $3.53 billion. This is 85 cents per diluted […]

Home Flippers

Home Flippers See Fortunes Plummet As Mortgage Rates Jump

Home Flippers See Homes Turn Into Money Pits As Interest Rates Skyrocket And Housing Market Plummets Home flippers have gone into panic mode. Why? They are the latest victims of rising mortgage rates. As result, they have seen their anticipated profits vanish.  Home flippers were raking in the dough just months ago. However, they have […]

Summit Funding

Summit Funding To Cut 72 Staff Members

Summit Funding Plans On Laying Off 36 Corporate Employees In Sacramento And 36 Remote Workers On November 23rd  Summit Funding plans to make a round of layoffs in late November that will affect 72 employees. The California-based company wrote in it’s WARN filing: “With the demand for mortgage services falling to its lowest level in […]


Starbucks Busted Defrauding Customers

Starbucks Busted Knowingly Defrauding Their Caffeine Junkie Customers At Their Downtown Buffalo NY Store. Striking employees at Starbucks called out the company yesterday for defrauding customers. The company knowingly attempted to defrauding their customers in Buffalo, New York. Why would a major proprietor of bad coffee want to defraud their caffeine junkie customer base? Well, […]

Saint Petersburg Foreclosure Defense

Saint Petersburg Foreclosure Defense Attorney Disbarred

Saint Petersburg Foreclosure Defense Attorney Kelley Bosecker Officially Disbarred. She Invokes Mark Stopa’s Tin Foil Hat Defense  A longtime Saint Petersburg foreclosure defense attorney agreed to permanent disbarment. The Florida Bar alleged she practiced law while suspended. Kelley Bosecker was admitted to the Florida Bar in 1984 Bosecker disputes the claims. However, she agreed to […]

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