Andy Meisner IS The Smartest Guy In Oakland County Government

Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Back in September, when I began formulating a plan to help Kelly Parker save her house in Detroit, the first thought I had was, “If only Kelly lived in Oakland County this fight would be a hell of a lot easier.”   Matter of fact, if she did, it would had never […]

Freeloading Homeowners Who Plan To Vote For Romney…

Freeloading Homeowners Should Invest In Some Plywood and Cardboard If He Wins Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Since the U.S. Presidential race has heated up after Labor Day, All I’ve heard from the so-called foreclosure activist crowd is that they are all voting for Romney or the Libertarian candidate former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson. There are […]

Wayne County

Detroit Cancer Mom Takes On A Corrupt County Government And WINS!

MFI-Miami Helps Detroit Cancer Mom Take On A Corrupt County Government To Get Her Tax Bill and Mortgage Wiped Out Well, its official. Detroit Cancer Mom Kelly Parker has beaten Bank of America and a corrupt county government Detroit cancer victim and single mom, Kelly Parker and her two sons are not being forced to […]

To avert foreclosure, firm turns homes into ad space

Erin Ailworth, Boston Globe Would you let a company paint your house in Gumby green and neon tangerine as the background for corporate logos and other advertising? What if the company paid your mortgage? That’s the deal California advertising executive Romeo Mendoza is offering as he launches a somewhat altruistic — some might say obnoxious […]

Lisa Brown

Lisa Brown Needs To Denounce Alleged Doc Fraud At Her Brother’s Foreclosure Mill

If Lisa Brown Wants To Lead, She Better Make The Hard Choices  Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami Milford, MI – On October 15, 2012, Steve Dibert, President of MFI-Miami, an internationally recognized leader in investigating mortgage fraud and mortgage backed securities fraud has called on State Representative Lisa Brown (D-West Bloomfield) who is currently running for Oakland […]

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