
Federal Judge Finds PricewaterhouseCoopers Negligent in TBW Collapse

Federal Judge Finds PricewaterhouseCoopers Negligence Led To The Collapse Of Taylor, Bean & Whitaker And Colonial Bank The story of the rise and collapse of Taylor, Bean & Whitaker is legendary throughout the finance world. Now it appears the negligence of the accounting powerhouse PricewaterhouseCoopers contributed to its demise. Taylor, Bean & Whitaker or TBW was the […]

Lee Farkas

Convicted Mortgage Fraudster Lee Farkas Wants His Mommy

Lee Farkas Says Prison Is Depressing And He Is So Lonely That He Feels Like A Zombie If you didn’t work in wholesale lending during the housing boom, you have probably never heard of Lee Farkas or his now defunct and disgraced company, Taylor, Bean and Whittaker who were a major player in wholesale lending. […]

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