former HGTV reality star

Former HGTV Reality Star Mr. Flip It Is Going To Prison

Court Sentences Former HGTV Reality Star Mr. Flip It To 4 Years In Prison. Judge Also Orders Him To Pay $10 MILLION To 11 Victims  A California judge has sentenced former HGTV star to Todd Hill to four years in prison for multiple counts of fraud. The court also ordered Todd Hill aka Mr. Flip […]

hgtv reality

Are HGTV Reality Shows Fake? You Betcha! Fake As A $3 Bill

HGTV Reality Shows Are As Fake As A $3 Bill Let’s face it, most people are idiots. They believe what they see on TV. Case in point, I used to get calls from people all the time who thought because they watched four episodes of the Apprentice, they can make millions of dollars in real […]

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