Andy Meisner Takes GSE Tax Fight From The Courtroom To The Halls Of Congress

County Treasurer Andy Meisner Puts Heat On Congress Over Fannie/Freddie Tax Exemption There’s no shortage of people in Congress that are looking to get their paws on Fannie and Freddie because they share the same outrage that we’ve shared: That these entities were started for a good public purpose and that they have evolved into […]

Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Upholds MERS Tax Dodging Scheme In Michigan

Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Upholds MERS Tax Dodging Scheme In Michigan On Friday, Judge Robert Holmes Bell dismissed Ingham County Register of Deeds Curtis Hertel’s lawsuit seeking unpaid Michigan Real Estate Transfer Taxes on property being transferred in and out of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac with the use of the MERS database system. Holmes ruled […]

David Trott

Did Romney Finance Chair Advise Clients To Steal Money From School Children?

Evidence Suggests Romney Finance Chair Conspired With Another GOP Donor To Help Clients Commit Tax Fraud Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami In 2010, while doing research for my client, Lynne Lucas, her attorney and I discovered many problems with the way Orlans Associates, operated by Linda Orlans,  a major GOP donor and former Chair of the Michigan Chapter […]


Are Democrats Doing More Harm To Homeowners Than The GOP?

Democrats Are Doing More Harm To Homeowners By Staying Silent And Sitting On Their Hands Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami I’ve been involved in Democratic Party politics on and off for most of my adult life and what amazes me about the majority of 21st century Democrats is that they have virtually no knowledge of the basic […]

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