Caliber Home Loans Busted Selling Customer Info To Kiddie Porn Peddler

Caliber Home Loans Busted Selling Customer Information To A Plethora Of Sickos Including A Kiddie Porn Peddler  Shout it from the rooftops and shout it out from your window! Caliber Home Loans busted for selling private homeowner information to convicted sex offenders and kiddie porn peddlers. MFI-Miami discovered this quite by accident. Caliber Home Loans […]

FTC Shuts Down Websites Preying On Section 8 Renters

FTC Shuts Down Websites Claiming To Have “Exclusive” Access To Section 8 Rental Listings The Federal Trade Commission shut down a series of real estate websites in California that targeted Section 8 voucher recipients. The FTC claims the sites falsely promised “exclusive” access to rental listings in exchange for a monthly or weekly subscription fee. Steven and […]

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