Adult Entertainers Denied Coronavirus Relief

Adult Entertainers Denied Coronavirus Relief Funds. Strip Club Operators Sue The Feds For Discrimination The federal government appears to be discriminating against adult entertainers and strip club workers. Why? The CARES Act blocks them and their employers from a $349 billion emergency lending program. The SBA program is designed to help employees and businesses affected […]

Jamie Dimon’s Maiden Lane Morality Squad Expands Crusade Against Adult Entertainers

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Begins Closing Accounts Of People Employed In The Adult Entertainment Industry JPMorgan Chase made headlines in finance media last year when it refused to give long time Chase customer, Marc L. Greenberg a loan on his California home. Greenberg, the producer behind such late-night Cinemax soft-core porn classics like “Co-Ed […]

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