Iraqi Dinar

Iraqi Dinar Scam Alert: It’s A Ponzi Scheme, People!

Joe Six-Packs And Trump Supporters Believe They Are Going To Be Millionaires By Investing In Iraqi Dinar Scam Every Joe Six-Pack seems to be jumping in on the Iraqi Dinar scam thinking they are going to become overnight millionaires. Unfortunately for these financially unsophisticated types, the Iraqi dinar “investment” opportunity is a scam. Plain and […]

porn addict

Porn Addict Got $250,000 In Hush Money From Michigan Taxpayers

Former Michigan House Leader Signed Off On Deal To Have Taxpayers Pay Porn Addict $250,000 In Hush Money Guess what Michigan? The Michigan GOP House leadership used your tax dollars to pay $250,000 in hush money to a porn addict. You are also on the hook for this guy’s legal bills for the rest of […]

Rushmore Loan Management Helpline

Rushmore Loan Management Foreclosure Defense

The Only Rushmore Loan Management Foreclosure Defense Team That Delivers A Knock-Out Punch! MFI-Miami has created a foreclosure defense team exclusively for Rushmore Loan Management. The team’s focus will solely be on helping homeowners develop strategies to fight Rushmore Loan Management in their foreclosure! We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to […]

Fay Servicing

Fay Servicing Foreclosure Defense

Are You Armed With The Right Weapons To Take On Fay Servicing? MFI-Miami has created a foreclosure defense team exclusively for Fay Servicing. The team’s focus will solely be on helping homeowners develop strategies to fight Fay Servicing!  We are the only foreclosure and mortgage experts with the strength to successfully challenge Fay Servicing. Our […]

fannie mae mortgage

Aggressive Fannie Mae Mortgage Foreclosure Defense

The Only Fannie Mae Mortgage Foreclosure Defense Team That Commands Results You may have a Fannie Mae Mortgage and not know it. Only someone properly trained in writing them can help you save your house from Fannie Mae. MFI-Miami has created an aggressive Fannie Mae Mortgage Foreclosure Defense Team. The team’s focus will focus solely […]

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