Iraqi Dinar

Iraqi Dinar Scam Alert: It’s A Ponzi Scheme, People!

Joe Six-Packs And Trump Supporters Believe They Are Going To Be Millionaires By Investing In Iraqi Dinar Scam Every Joe Six-Pack seems to be jumping in on the Iraqi Dinar scam thinking they are going to become overnight millionaires. Unfortunately for these financially unsophisticated types, the Iraqi dinar “investment” opportunity is a scam. Plain and […]

Foreclosure Mill Lawyer

Foreclosure Mill Lawyer Moonlighting As An Militant Feminist Poet

Florida Foreclosure Mill Lawyer Lacks The Raw Passion Of Pam Grier Or The Dynamite Kick of Tamara Dobson Last week, a law firm asked me to do something I had not done since my days in politics. They asked me to do what political strategists call “Opposition Research” on a Florida Foreclosure Mill lawyer in a case I […]

MFI-Miami Was Quoted

MFI-Miami Was Quoted In Mortgage Daily

Steve Dibert From MFI-Miami Was Quoted In Mortgage Daily. The quotes are in boldface  Recent loan modification activity Two organizations praised improvements to modification programs for conforming and government-insured loans. Two other firms are warning about the modification process and its players. Two service providers are offering products to help make the modification process easier […]

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