Real Estate Industry Insiders Tell Trump To Put Up Or Shut Up About Election Fraud. They Claim He’s Hurting The Industry

real estate industry insidersThe real estate industry website The Real Deal is reporting that industry insiders are unhappy with President Trump. They claim that his unprovable conspiracy theories of voter fraud will hurt the real estate industry in the coming months. In addition, they say the President’s frivolous lawsuits could have long term ramifications on US real estate. 

Several of those lawsuits have already been tossed including a case filed with the Michigan Court of Appeals.

The Real Deal stated that Trump’s efforts to prolong the election could disrupt domestic and global markets. Some said the president should either provide evidence to support his allegations of fraud or step aside.

Real Estate Industry Insiders Say, “Show Evidence Of Fraud Or Move On.”

Real Estate Industry InsidersReal Estate developer Don Peebles said:

It is hard to lose, as a competitive person myself. Hopefully he either brings forth some concrete evidence of voter fraud, or we move on, and he accepts the outcome of the election.

New York developer MaryAnne Gilmartin said:

That while some level of uncertainty was already priced into the markets, a protracted election process could cause a disturbance. founder Richard Swerdlow called the president’s legal threats concerning:

When you’ve got these threats of lawsuits and who’s going to win, the global economy is on edge. In general, it creates an environment of instability. Do [foreign investors] continue to invest in real estate?

The real estate industry is also watching the remaining unresolved Georgia Senate races closely. As a result, the Democrats are hopes of taking control of Congress. To secure that, Democrats would need to win two more Senate seats, since the vice president can cast a tie-breaking vote on Senate legislation.

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