I Challenged Neil Garfield Groupies To Challenge And I Still Have Received No Word from Neil Garfield

Several weeks ago, I posted an article about Neil Garfield and his impractical foreclosure defense strategies. I challenged him to prove his theories hold up in court.

I received lots of hate mail from his fans.  Especially from the “Activists” over at Foreclosure Hamlet who made bizarre accusations about me. They were aghast I would “attack” Neil Garfield.

In none of the responses that people posted did a single person actually make a valid counter-argument against the article.

They simply made personal attacks against me which I found quite bizarre. I guess the truth hurts. I won’t hold it against Lisa Epstein who operates Foreclosure Hamlet because she seems pretty cool.  Besides, she can’t control what certain individuals post. Especially someone named “Alina.”

Alina is a regular contributor to Foreclosure Hamlet. Her only expertise in this field is attending a Garfield seminar. She just re-enforces my point of the other two articles.

I threw down a challenge to the Neil Garfield Gang that said:

Since many of you claim Neil Garfield has helped countless people save their homes, I have decided to offer this wager:

If Neil Garfield and/or Brad Keiser can provide me proof of 10 pro se litigants who have successfully received a free and clear title to their house using the methods of the Garfield Continuum without an attorney, I will post a retraction, give Neil Garfield a banner ad on this site for 6 months and have a link to the Living Lies website. If their techniques are as successful as they claim, this should not be a no-brainer. Living Lies claims to have had 2.1 million readers and by Neil’s own admission at the seminar last May in Orlando, he was tracking 4,500 cases.

You can see it here.

After I wrote it, I found a solicitation email from Neil Garfield to attend one of his conferences from July of 2008 which stated (bold type added by me):

I have the proof. More than 100 people have used the theories and strategies that I created as the “Garfield Continuum” both pro-se and with counsel. In ALL cases, without exception, what started as a foreclosure by the lender ended with a foreclosure OF the lender and anyone else claiming rights through the lender, the note, and the mortgage. As a result of the information that I have dispersed, pro se litigants in 7 states have walked away with their homes free and clear of the 1st mortgage, second mortgage and HELOC.

It’s time to ante up.  Can you support these claims or not?  As I wrote several weeks ago, if the numbers Neil Garfield and Brad Kaiser are throwing around about their success rate are accurate, the Garfield Gang should have no problem showing proof that ten pro se litigants now live in their home mortgage free thanks to the legal advice they received from Neil Garfield and Living Lies.

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